Last month, with the support of the HSE Lottery funding and a private supporter we built our first geodome. This dome was built in principal to house our Ember Camp (Waterford city-Tramore area)
The spacious, seven meter dome sits on a tranquil, lakeside site which will now serve as a base for Active Connections’ transformative I:I sessions, group work and Embers camps. By providing the fundamental shelter and safe access to nature this dome will enable these therapeutic activities to run year-round; no longer requiring the teams to move site in the winter.

This new year-round facility will host over 3,000 contact hours through the New Trails and Breakaway programmes. Additionally the Embers Camps will set up base here for 588 hours during their Saturday programs and 672 hours during the Summer programs.

These figures are estimated to increase in 2023 with over 2,000 impact hours with Embers Camps and a further 3,500 New Trails and Breakaway impact hours on this site.
